I've seen these car cozies all over blog land...
and I figured I needed to make one too.
I made two right away, one for a birthday present
and one for my son...
So, here's my take on the car cozy.
I used the freezer paper stencil number fabric for my "garages".
Then I freezer paper stenciled some yellow dashes onto black fabric.
I sewed the numbered fabric to the bottom of the green fabric,
and sewed lines to separate each little numbered spot.
Then I sewed the black road onto the green fabric as well.
Then I painted little lakes in the top corner in case the little boy has boats too.
Once the front is done simply sew it right sides together with the back fabric
leaving a spot for turning,
and don't forget to add some ribbon or elastic (that's what I used) near the pockets area
so you have some way to keep it all rolled up when it's not being played with.
I also did top stitch around the whole thing,
just makes it a little sturdier!
Here's the back...found this in the remnant bin at JoAnn's,
and I figured I needed to make one too.
I made two right away, one for a birthday present
and one for my son...
So, here's my take on the car cozy.
I used the freezer paper stencil number fabric for my "garages".

and sewed lines to separate each little numbered spot.
Then I sewed the black road onto the green fabric as well.

Once the front is done simply sew it right sides together with the back fabric
leaving a spot for turning,
and don't forget to add some ribbon or elastic (that's what I used) near the pockets area
so you have some way to keep it all rolled up when it's not being played with.

just makes it a little sturdier!

But pretty cool. The little boys love it!
But next time I'm going to make it smaller,
so that it will travel to church easier!
But next time I'm going to make it smaller,
so that it will travel to church easier!
Would love to see your take on this one as well!