
Gifts for Best Friends

This week for our 12 Weeks of Christmas Gifts....

The gift is for Best Friends!
Visit HERE to see past and upcoming Gift ideas.

And please visit HERE to view the gifts we have already posted!

Don't forget to grab the Christmas Gifts Button in the sidebar!!!

Lucky Horse Shoe Decor
We made these a few years back, so sorry I don't have step by step pictures. But it is pretty easy to make and your friends will love putting them up as decor in their homes. I keep mine hung by my keys. The photo below is of a round (oval) horse shoe. We made many in the "U" shape too!

What you will need
Horse Shoes
Bendable Wire

To start, wrap the wire at one end of the horse shoe to secure. Add some beads on the wire. Enough to cover only the front of the horse show. The back can stay bare. Wrap the wire again and add more beads. Continue this all the way around to the other side of the horse shoe. Tie and secure wire again. Your done.

If you like, you can add some hanging beads and charms like I did. Or hang across some words in the middle of the horse shoe. You can use a bunch of colorful beads or use similar colors.
