
T-Shirt Scarf - Part 1

Have you seen all those adorable t-shirt scarves out there? I have seen them all over and until I saw one in person, I never really thought of making one. I thought they were cute, but it just wasn't top of my list.

Well, my moms neighbor made the cutest one. It was teal colors with cream colored flowers pinned on for extra cuteness! I went home that night and grabbed some t-shirts. 
(sorry for the wrinkles, they were in a bin of saved shirts. No sense in ironing when I'm cutting them up.)
In this post I will share how I made my first one. I have a couple more ways to make some that turned out amazing too. So I will be posting them too. Just not today. So check back soon for the others. I will leave links to all the scarves in each post so you can easily find them all.

Anyway....on to the first scarf. With this one, I did use my sewing machine. I know that there is a way to make one with out it and I did. So don't worry, it's coming. If you don't have a sewing machine, you can alway hand stitch this version.

First start my cutting the shirt from armpit to armpit. Then cut strips on the bottom half. I cut mine just under 1" but you can just judge it as you go. You don't have to measure really.
Set aside the top half of the shirt for now. Now take each strip and stretch it out. Not too tight, just enough to make the t-shirt curl a bit.
So I don't forget to tell you....sometimes shirts have tags in the seams. Make sure you cut that out. you don't want it sticking out when you wear your scarf. LOL That would just be silly.

Next, gather one end of the strips (seam together). Take them over to your sewing machine and give it a quick stitch. I liked doing this because it is not going to shift. Those strips are in place.
Remember the top of the shirt? Grab it and turn it over. Cut a rectangle piece to sew and help cover up where you just sewed the scarf together.  I cut my piece larger because I'm just going to trim it. So keep that in mind.
Sew your rectangle inside out!
Turn it right side out and place it around the scarf and sew in place.
Trim off the excess.
Turn this right side out and hide that seam. Now you are done! A clean finish for your scarf.
Add a cute pin or flower to finish it off. You can wear it long or double it up too!
I'll be back again next week with another scarf. Don't forget to come see!
Come by this Friday for a fun party. I am hosting a
{Pinterest} Challenge Party

All those wonderful pins that we keep tucked away are coming out. I have so many loves on Pinterest so I am challenging myself to completing some of them. I will be sharing a favorite Pinterest project every Friday. Something I just have been wanting to make. 

I will also be hosting the {Pinterest} Challenge Party for you! You will be able to link up your Pinterest Projects. Just please remember to give credit to where you got the idea with a link and image of the original pin.
All link ups that don't qualify will be deleted.

Thanks and hope you come by to link up. Please share this idea with friends. I will be sharing a Party Button this Friday!
