
Mother's Day Breakfast | Nonny's Way

A simple Mother's Day Breakfast for kids to fix (*with a little help),  
making Mom's day special...

Cherrios Cereal Sundae
What you will need....
1 box of Choclate Cheerios
1 small box of strawberries, wash and slice
2 bananas, sliced
1 can whipped cream
Candy sprinkles and/or Sugar Sprinkles
Chocolate bar, grated
How to make this special treat...Place the Cheerios in a bowl, add strawberries and bananas
Add whipped cream and sprinkle with candy/sugar sprinkles
Grate a small amount of chocolate bar over the top
Serve with Milk, Chocolate milk or juice

I had the grandkids one weekend and didn't have any milk to drink. They wanted cereal. So, I used whip cream instead of  milk. The kids loved it! Now they request it!  It makes for a fun breakfast and it tastes good too!  
Enjoy the Yum and Happy Mother's Day!
