So I was hoping to have a last minute Mother's Day craft for you today, but alas I do not.
I have not been in the blogging mood lately. My personal blog is sorely neglected. I used to post quite regularly but only posted 13 times in March and 13 in April. I guess I'm too busy playing outside with the kids and just don't want to take the time to blog.
The other reason I haven't been blogging as much is because I'm "pinning" more. Have you heard of Pinterest? It's an amazing website that lets you bookmark or catalog ideas and creative things you see on the web. I've tried many ways in the past to bookmark great websites and ideas. I used delicious for a while and it's a good way to bookmark things but the problem is there are no photos to go with what you've bookmarked. I've added a page to my blog called "Someday" and it's crafts I've seen on the web that I'd love to try someday. But Pinterest has them all beat. I started pinning in February and can't stop. If you are a pinner you know what I mean. It's very addicting so be careful!!!
Straight from the site:
What is Pinterest?
Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste.
People use Pinterest to collect and share all sorts of things -- wedding inspiration, favorite T-shirts, DJ equipment. You name it, people are pinning it.
We know you have great taste in something. Our mission is to make Pinterest the best place for you to share your taste with the world.
So, it's a great way to see what other people find interesting and creative and it's a fun way to bookmark ideas and projects. I would love to see what you're pinning. Come on over to my Pinterest Page and follow me (jamielynn)!
I suggest that you add the "pin it" to your toolbar so that when you're blog surfing you can pin what you find right away and won't loose it. It's a great way to keep things in a catalog so you don't loose ideas and also so that you can give credit where credit is due.
And if you're interested to see if anything has been pinned from your website or blog just type in " of your website" ex: ""
I know some of you are pinning and I'd love to see your boards!
And speaking of giving credit where credit is due this is where I found the idea for the "copy" and "paste" onesies for twins!
Happy Pinning!!!!