
Family Photos

We haven't had a personal post in a while and today I wanted to share with you some photos. My friend Jen took our family photos this year and I am so excited to share them. They are beautiful! I had a lot of fun making up our Christmas cards with these photos too!

Here are just a few of our favorites!
Love Love Love These! Thanks Jen!!!

If you are in my area (NorCal) and want your photos taken by Jen, let me know. Email me at I know she would love to help you!

We can't wait to take more pics with Jen in the spring. Already planning on each of us wearing different bright colors. They are going to be cute! And this Friday we are taking more pics. Jen is taking our whole families photos. My family, my parents and my brothers. I can't wait to see how those turn out!

Love the Couch and Frames? Found the couch at an estate sale! The frames were found at thrift shops and spray painted for use in my craft room. They all made great props for our photos!

Please share your thoughts on my family photos in comments! Would love to hear what you think! ;o)
